The late Jan de Vries who was a UK protege of Dr Vogel said in an interview that Vogel's wife had been a Bible Student and later a Jehovah's Witness, but Dr Vogel was not. That's what he said.
I know a lot of people in my former cong who embraced homeopathy and wouldn't go to a general practitioner.
But as well as Vogel's medicines quite a number were taking Dr Bach's Flower Remedies until an elder who was into personal research (which also probably explains why he's no longer a JW) discovered that Dr Bach was a spiritualist who asked the spirits to identify which flowers went with which illness, and admitted that he never actually went near the flowers himself.
Lots of sisters were in a panic after he said it in a public talk one Sunday morning because they all swore by the stuff and had told everyone including their Bible student's to use it. I think they all rushed home from the meeting to bin their collection, and probably got the elders round to exorcise their houses in case of demonic entities hiding in their medicine cabinets in the bathroom. Lol.